Climate Action through Art: Out of Apathy and Into Action! Are you struggling to create real impact in the communities you serve? In this interactive Keynote, Artist, Speaker, and Community Engagement Expert, Carrie Ziegler will take you on a journey that will rocket you Out of Apathy and into Action! Together, we will explore the transformative power of collaborative art and its capacity to create change in us as individuals, in our communities, and beyond. This Keynote is designed for artists, scientists, teachers, and change makers looking for a creative way to engage your communities in taking real action. You do not need to be an artist yourself.
Carrie Ziegler -I facilitate powerful collaborative art projects that catalyze real environmental and social change. Recently, one of my collaborative Art in Action projects contributed to the passing of a climate mitigation plan in my county AND a resolution stating we are in a Climate Emergency. An earlier project resulted in the implementation of a county-wide ban on single- use plastic bags. Youth participants expressed that they felt personally responsible for those changes in our government. I have worked with so many organizations and people who are struggling with apathy and lack of hope in light of all of the environmental injustices in the world. When they create art around these issues, collaboratively with other people, they are rocketed out of apathy and into action. This led me to deeply understand the transformative power of art, and the power of creating something together that is much bigger than any one of us can do on our own.
Get access to Carrie's Checklist for Creating Social Change with Collaborative Art HERE!